Óscar Felipe Ventura

Óscar Enrique Felipe Ventura (born March 18, 1943, San Pedro de Lloc) is a Peruvian politician. He was a Member of Parliament 1985-1990.[1] As of 2013 he was the spokesman of the Regional Committee "César Vallejo" of the Communist Party of Peru (Red Fatherland) (PCdelP-Patria Roja) in La Libertad,[2] organizing secretary of the Regional Front for Defense and Development of La Libertad (FREDELL),[3] as well as a leader the Social Affirmation Movement (MAS) in La Libertad.[4]

Felipe Ventura is the son of Nicanor Felipe Urcia and Rosa Ventura Landivar de Felipe. He is a teacher by profession. He completed his primary education at the Escuela Carlos Gutiérrez de Noriega and his secondary school was Colegio José Andrés Rázuri. He completed his university studies at Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, obtaining a degree as secondary school teacher with specialization in Philosophy and Social Sciences. Between 1974 and 1982 he served as Director of the Noctural Section of the Colegio Antonio Raimundi in Pacasmayo. He later obtained the post as Director of the Noctural Section at Colegio Nacional San Juan in Trujillo, which he held 1982-1985.[1]

In 1966 he became a leader of the teachers union movement in Pacasmayo. He served as chairman of the United Teachers Front of Pacasmayo 1970-1972 and was elected as general secretary of SUTE-Pacasmayo thrice (1972-1976). He was also elected thrice as undersecretary of the regional organization of SUTEP in La Libertad (1972-1978), and between 1978 and 1982 he was the chairman of the Front for the Defense of the People's Rights of Pacasmayo. He took part in the founding of the Revolutionary Left Union (UNIR) in 1979, becoming the Press Secretary of the party his department. Between 1980 and 1984 he was part of the national leadership of SUTEP. The second congress of UNIR elected him to the National Disciplinary Committee of the party. He was elected to the Congress of the Republic in the 1985 election, as a deputy from La Libertad. He stood as a candidate of the United Left (IU, an alliance in which UNIR participated).[1]

Felipe Ventura stood as a New Left Movement (MNI) candidate in La Libertad for parliament in the 2006 election. He obtained 1,129 preferential votes, the most voted MNI candidate from the constituency.[5] He was a member of the National Leadership Committee of MNI.[6] In total MNI obtained 2,228 votes in La Libertad.[7]

Felipe Ventura is a noted saxophone player.[1]


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