1943 in Brazil

  • 1920s
  • 1930s
  • 1940s
  • 1950s
  • 1960s
See also:

Events in the year 1943 in Brazil.



Arts and culture





See also

1943 in Brazilian football


  1. Robertson, Megan C. (5 July 2007). "The Federative Republic of Brazil: Order of Military Merit". Medals of the World. Retrieved 2012-12-06.
  2. "Ban Motorcycles in Brazil", Milwaukee Journal, July 23, 1943, p3
  3. "Big Brazilian Ship Sunk; 78 Are Missing", Sarasota Herald-Tribune, August 8, 1943, p1
  4. https://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/decreto-lei/1937-1946/Del5812.htm Decreto-Lei N.º 5.812, de 13 de setembro 1943: cria os territórios federais do Amapá, do Rio Branco, do Guaporé, de Ponta Porã e do Iguassú. Presidência da República
  5. OLIVEIRA, Licerio de (1999). "Estado do Iguaçu": o regionalismo em questão. Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciência Política, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP.
  6. Sâo Paulo Technical Museum website (in Portuguese)
  7. The short film Brazil at War is available for free download at the Internet Archive
  8. Dennison, Stephanie & Shaw, Lisa. Popular Cinema in Brazil. Manchester University Press, 2004. p 71-72
  9. "Compositor e pianista Almeida Prado morre aos 67 anos". Folha (in Portuguese). São Paulo. 21 November 2010. Retrieved 26 November 2010.
  10. "Eumir Deodato". Cravo Albin Dictionary of Brazilian Popular Music. Cravo Albin Cultural Institute. Retrieved 2009-01-25.
  11. Allmusic biography
  12. Waly Salomão
  13. "Brazilian soprano is found dead here", New York Times, February 21, 1943
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