Allison Benis White

Alison Benis White is an American poet.

White is the author of Self-Portrait with Crayon, which was selected by poet Robert Hill Long as the winner of the 2008 Cleveland State University Poetry Center First Book Prize.[1] Her second manuscript, Small Porcelain Head, was selected for the 2011 Four Way Books Levis Prize by poet Claudia Rankine.[2] Her poems have appeared in journals such as The American Poetry Review, The Iowa Review, Pleiades, and Ploughshares.[3] She has received the Indiana Review Poetry Prize, the Bernice Slote Award from Prairie Schooner, and a Writers Exchange Award from Poets & Writers. She has also been recognized with a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship to the Sewanee Writer’s Conference and an Emerging Writer Fellowship from the Writer's Center.[4] White received her M.F.A. from the University of California, Irvine.[5]


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