American Academy of Private Physicians

The American Academy of Private Physicians (AAPP) is a United States association of private doctors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, who offer their medical services through a form of direct care, such as concierge medicine. Because the direct care health industry is a medical sector that is rapidly expanding, as a popular and economic alternative to more traditional insurance-based healthcare, new AAPP chapters are currently established or being established in Orange County, California, Atlanta, Scottsdale, AZ, New York City, and Chicago. In addition, the AAPP aims eventually to establish delegates from each state, with current delegates representing the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas (2 delegates) and Virginia.

Their motto "Liberating the Doctor-Patient Relationship", is in reference to the many claimed advantages of direct care which are promoted by the Academy, such as bypassing expensive premiums, and more personalized in-home treatment. Their stated aim is "restoring the doctor-patient relationship of times past – private doctors unencumbered by insurance company policies, provider-network constraints, and the misaligned incentives that have infected our health care system."


AAPP was founded in 2003 as the American Society for Concierge Physicians (ASCP) by Dr. John Blanchard. It later changed its name to the Society for Innovative Medical Practice Design (SIMPD), and was reorganized in 2010 under its current name.

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