Clinical research center

The term "Clinical research center" (CRC) or "General clinical research center" (GCRC) refers to any designated medical facility used to conduct clinical research, such as at a hospital or medical clinic.[1] They have been used to perform clinical trials of various medical procedures. The medical profession has had specific uses for CRC facilities, including awarding grants to support various types of research.

For example, the U.S. National Institutes of Health had, for years, issued GCRC grants, but later changed to awarding a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA). Many hospitals or clinics have included a wing, ward, or other area titled as "Clinical Research Center" (with capitalized words).

Some examples of CRC facilities are:


  1. "Clinical Research Center definition" Medical Dictionary,, October 2010, webpage: MT.
  2. "UCLA General Clinical Research Center",, June 2010, webpage: GCRC-UCLA-edu.
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