Hasan Tahsin

For the Ottoman general, see Hasan Tahsin Pasha. For the Albanian theologian and philosopher, see Hasan Tahsini.
This is an Ottoman Turkish style name. Osman Nevres is the given name, and there is no family name.
Hasan Tahsin
Born Osman Nevres
Salonica, Ottoman Empire
Died May 15, 1919
Izmir, Ottoman
Nationality Ottoman
Occupation Journalist, member of the Ottoman Special organization
Organization Special Organization
Known for opening of fire on the Greek soldiers that landed at Smyrna
Movement Pan-Turkism

Hasan Tahsin was the code name of Osman Nevres (1888 – May 15, 1919), an Ottoman Turkish[1][2][3][4] Turkish nationalist[5][6] and journalist. Being a member of the Ottoman special Organization, he unsuccessfully tried to assassinate the Buxton Brothers: Noel Noel-Buxton, 1st Baron Noel-Buxton and Charles Roden Buxton in Romania during World War I.[7]

He is the national symbol of Turk's resistance to enemy forces. He is said to have been the first to open fire on the Greek soldiers that landed at Smyrna (present day Izmir) on May 15, 1919[8] in the opening act of the Greek occupation of more than three years that extended over a large part of western Anatolia, as well as of the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922).He was one of those journalists who talked about women's rights in Ottoman. At the time of his death he was publishing and writing for the newspaper "Hukuk-u Beşer" (Ottoman Turkish for "Human Rights").[9]

The first bullet statue of Hasan Tahsin, Izmir, Turkey


  1. Arda Sualp - M. Ali Eren, "Cumhuriyet hanedanları", Aksiyon, Sayı: 51 / Tarih : 25-11-1995. (Turkish)
  2. Ilgaz Zorlu, Evet, ben Selânikliyim: Türkiye Sabetaycılığı, Belge Yayınları, 1999, p. 95. (Turkish)
  3. Abdurrahman Küçük, Dönmeler ve Dönmelik Tarihi, Ünal Matbaası, 1979, p. 237. (Turkish)
  4. Orhan Türkdoğan, Osmanlı'dan Günümüze türk Toplum Yapısı, Çamlıca Yayınları, 2002, p. 166. (Turkish)
  5. Bozkurt Güvenç, Türk Kimliği, Kültür Bakanlığı, 1993, p. 32. (Turkish)
  6. Yaşar Aksoy, Hasan Tahsin’in Anlamı, Haberhüriyeti. (Turkish)
  7. "Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa üyesi Hasan Tahsin", Hürriyet, 17 Mayıs 2009 (Turkish)
  8. Yaşar Aksoy, Jülide Tunaseli, Love for 70 years: Izmir Fair, Metropolitan Municipality of Izmir, 2001, p. 1.
  9. http://www.haberhurriyeti.com/IcerikDetay/533-hasan-tahsin%E2%80%99in-anlami.aspx
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