Come Not Between the Dragons

"Come Not Between the Dragons"
Star Trek Continues episode
Episode no. Episode 6
Directed by Julian Higgins
Teleplay by Greg Dykstra
James Kerwin
Vic Mignogna
Story by Greg Dykstra
Produced by Vic Mignogna
Steven Dengler
Featured music Star Trek: The Original Series incidental music
Cinematography by Matt Bucy
Original air date May 28, 2016 (2016-05-28)
Running time 42:20
Guest appearance(s)

"Come Not Between The Dragons" is the sixth episode of the first season of science fiction web series Star Trek Continues, a fan made continuation of the original Star Trek TV series.

Plot Summary

All is quiet on the Enterprise, when from out of nowhere, sensors have detected a hull breach on deck four, but despite numerous scans, there is no trace of the object that caused it, until Uhura reports a hull breach in the ceiling of deck five, indicating to Kirk that something is moving throughout the ship. Meanwhile, Ensign Eliza Taylor (Gigi Edgley), is changing to go back on duty when suddenly the intruder breaks through the walls of her cabin and approaches her. Eliza calls the bridge for help and manages to scare the rock-like creature away. Kirk, Spock and security guard Dickerson corner the creature in an adjacent room and stun it with phasers.

McCoy's scans reveal it to be a complex living life-form, leading Spock to speculate it is a "nomadic extremophile", a creature requiring no atmosphere to live and able to exist in the vacuum of space and traverse its way through it. Eliza's encounter with the creature has left her curious about its nature and Kirk suggests she try to communicate with the creature, as she was the first human it saw. After introducing herself, the creature gives a name, "Usdi" and leaves a message "Me. To. Hurt", unsure what the message means, Kirk leaves Spock to continue scanning and heads up to the bridge to investigate a strange shockwave that hits the Enterprise.

On the bridge, Uhura identifies the waves as a form of echolocation, someone or something is trying to find the creature on the ship. A larger, stronger wave hits, leaving everyone with increased feelings of anger and paranoia, however in Spock the effect is a lot stronger and in a rage he shoots at Usdi, knocking out Eliza in the process. Usdi runs at Spock, knocking him over and escaping.

In sickbay McCoy notes that the part of Spock's brain which keeps his emotions in check his struggling to cope with the effect the waves have on Vulcan physiology. Spock, himself requests to be isolated, fearing what he might do in an emotional rage. A second wave hits and Spock escapes his restraints and has to be subdued by Kirk. It soon becomes clear that every time a wave hits, people become more short tempered, Uhura and Smith snap at Palmer, McKennah starts a fight and Kirk punches Sulu (who has detected a ship generating the waves) and has him removed from the bridge and reminds the crew that their priority is finding that "brat" Usdi.

Kirk, Smith and Chekov go in search of the creature and McKennah visits Eliza Taylor, who she discovers has been hiding Usdi, worried for his welfare. McKennah decides to filter out the anger they're all feeling by using Alpha wave inducers, that are normally used to help deal with psychological trauma, she goes to sickbay to acquire them, knocking McCoy out in the process with a single punch and gaining Uhura and Dickerson as allies.

Meanwhile, Kirk, Smith and Chekov find a drunk and belligerent Mr. Scott, who has to be stunned by Chekov. In Eliza's quarters, Dickerson determines that if they move Usdi to engineering, he will be better protected. Uhura evacuates engineering using Scotty's voice over the announcer, however Kirk and Smith know Scott is subdued and Kirk, suspicious, orders Smith to secure the transporter room, but its too late, Eliza, Uhura, Dickerson and Usdi have been beamed to engineering thanks to McKennah and the transport chief. However, Smith gets to them, stuns the chief and after a brief scuffle, knocks out McKennah.

In the engine room, Eliza now knows why Usdi is on the ship, but Kirk and Smith beam down to engineering and a scuffle starts between Kirk and Dickerson and Uhura and Smith, until Eliza manages to fit an Alpha wave device on Smith and then on Kirk, neutralising their angry impulses. Regaining control, Chekov shows Kirk an image of the approaching vessel, showing that it is actually a creature like Usdi, except much larger.

With the crew now cured of their violent rages, Kirk and company return to the bridge, when the creature attacks despite repeated warnings. When Kirk targets a structure on the creatures back that generates the waves, the creature is injured. Usdi and Eliza witness the fight in the engine room and Usdi decides to leave in order to "Protect", despite Eliza begging him not to. Despite being injured the creature prepares to ram the Enterprise. On the bridge Eliza reveals that the larger creature is Usdi's father.

The bridge crew watches as Usdi puts himself between the Enterprise and his father and their colours change, indicating the father is no longer angry. Kirk then sends out a message to Usdi's father telling him the effect his anger has had not only on the crew but on his own child, and that it nearly cost him his own life at the hands of the Enterprise. But it seems his words fall on deaf ears as the father and Usdi leave without a word, devastating Eliza.

Later on Kirk laments at not being to get through to Usdi's father and Spock mentions his conversations with Dr. McKennah and they have both noted it is easier to guide someone to walk down an unfamiliar path, when one has walked down that path themselves.

Apologies are being made all over the ship and Kirk visits Eliza, and tells her they have located Usdi and his father in a comet cloud. Kirk allows Eliza to speak with Usdi's father, hoping that perhaps she can get through to him. Eliza tells him that Usdi chose to come to her personally for protection, sensing she would understand and she implores him to find a way to deal with his anger because his son loves him but when he lashes out he becomes less of a father and more of a monster that he fears. She tearfully begs him to heal, because her own violent father never did. Usdi's father responds and seems to be willing to change. Leaving the comet cloud, Kirk believes Eliza got through to him, and Eliza can only hope for Usdi's sake.

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