Day of Sea and River Fleet Workers

The diploma for the second place in the competition in pneumatic rifle shooting on the Soviet ship Metallurg Baykov in July 1981. It was the first celebration of the Day of Sea and River Workers in the USSR.

The Day of Sea and Rriver Fleet Workers or The Sea and River Fleet Worker's Day (Russian: День работников морского и речного флота) - a professional holiday of sea and river fleet workers in the USSR, which is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of each July, yearly.

Holiday History

It was founded by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union № 3018-X "Regarding public holidays and commemorative days" dated the 1 of October, 1980, as amended by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union № 9724-XI "Regarding Amendments to the legislation of the USSR regarding holidays and commemorative days" dated 1 of November, 1988.[1]

The first celebration of this holiday Day fell on 5 July 1981, first Sunday in July of this year, and this Day was celebrated on some ships of Black Sea Shipping Company with various competitions. So, it was celebrated on the ship Metallurg Baykov of the Black Sea Shipping Company with the competition in pneumatic rifle shooting in honor of the Day of Sea and River Fleet Workers celebration and this competicion was also a part of the DOSAAF program as a part of the military training for civil seamen due to Cold War period. - To see the Diploma on the right.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union this holiday is still preserved in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. This Day was celebrated in Ukraine till 2008 year (including).

This holiday, Ukrainian: День працівників морського та річкового флоту, was established in Ukraine "... to promote the initiative of sea and river fleet workers of Ukraine ..." according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine "Regarding the Day of Sea and River Fleet" № 236/93 dated 29 June 1993 and canceled with the establishment of Fleet of Ukraine Day according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine "Regarding the Fleet of Ukraine Day" № 1053/2008 dated 18 November 2008.[2][3]

The Day of sea and river fleet workers in Ukraine and the Day of Naval Forces of Ukrainian Armed Forces were cancelled with the resumption of the Fleet of Ukraine Day.


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