Dodona egeon

Orange Punch
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Riodinidae
Genus: Dodona
Species: D. egeon
Binomial name
Dodona egeon
(Westwood, 1851)

Dodona egeon, the orange Punch, is a small but striking butterfly found in India that belongs to the family Riodinidae family (which is also known as the Punches and Judies in India).


For a key to the terms used, see Glossary of entomology terms.

From Charles Thomas Bingham (1905) The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma, Butterflies, Vol. 1:

Male. Upperside. Fore wing black, the basal area to the middle of the cell dark ochraceous red; a short, broad, oblique yellow subbasal band from subcostal vein to vein 1; discal yellow spots beyond in interspaces 1, 2, 4 and 5, the upper two and lower two spots respectively separated by the veins only, the latter two spots joined to the subbasal band by an elongate reddish-yellow spot in interspace la; a postdiscal series of a yellow crescent marks surmounted by a yellow spot in interspaces 2 and 3, and three upper postdiscal whitish smaller spots in interspaces 4, 5, 6 shifted somewhat further towards the termen; lastly, two preapical white dots. Hindwing ochraceous yellow, the dorsal margin broadly shaded with brown, a medial straight fascia and an upper shorter discal fascia dark brown; a postdiscal macular, subterminal and terminal more continuous dark brown bands, all three coalescing at the apex; tornal lobe and slender tail black. Underside chestnut-red, with the following more or less silvery markings;Fore wing: a short streak at base of costal margin, transverse basal, medial and discal broad bands, a postdiscal irregular series of transverse spots and a very slender and delicate transverse series of short subterminal lines; between the discal and postdiscal markings there are two silvery subcostal and a transverse similar spot in interspace 3; the other markings are silvery anteriorly, ochraceous posteriorly. Hind wing: a short transverse silvery streak at base, a narrow similar streak along vein 1 not reaching the tornus, a silvery streak along the dorsal margin turning upwards and joining an interrupted discal silvery transverse fascia from the costa, a broader straight transverse medial band between the discal band and base of wing, a very broad elongate triangular upper postdiscal silvery patch, followed by a series of transverse slender black markings terminating at the apex in two black spots set in a quadrate silvery patch; lobe and slender tail jet-black, margined on the inner side by a white line and surmounted by a grey tornal patch. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen blackish brown; beneath, palpi, thorax and abdomen greyish white.

  • Female. Upperside brownish black, much paler than in the male; markings similar but very much larger and paler, especially the upper postdiscal spots on the fore wing. Underside similar to that of the male; groundcolour paler, silvery markings much broader.
  • Expanse: 44-50 mm
  • Habitat: Himalayas, Kashmir to Bhutan; Assam, Khasi and Naga Hills.

See also


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