East Derbyshire (UK Parliament constituency)

East Derbyshire
Former County constituency
for the House of Commons
Number of members two
Replaced by Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire
Created from North Derbyshire and South Derbyshire

East Derbyshire was a parliamentary constituency in Derbyshire which elected two Members of Parliament to the House of Commons of the Parliament of Great Britain.

It was created for the 1868 general election, and abolished only seventeen years later under the Redistribution of Seats Act 1885. It was then replaced by seven new constituencies: Chesterfield, Mid Derbyshire, North East Derbyshire, South Derbyshire, West Derbyshire, High Peak and Ilkeston.

Members of Parliament

Election1st Member1st Party2nd Member2nd Party
1868 Francis Egerton Liberal Henry Strutt Liberal
1874 Francis Arkwright
1880 Alfred Barnes Liberal
1885 constituency abolished



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