Emergency Management Victoria

Emergency Management Victoria
Agency overview
Type Department
Jurisdiction Victoria
Headquarters 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Minister responsible
  • Hon Jane Garrett,
    Minister for Police and Emergency Services.
Agency executives
Website https://www.emv.vic.gov.au/

Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) is a state government department responsible for leading emergency management in Victoria, Australia by working with communities, government, agencies and business to strengthen their capacity to withstand, plan for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

Emergency Management Victoria was established in July 2014 and plays a key role in implementing the Victorian Government’s emergency management reform agenda.

Role and responsibilities

Emergency Management Victoria's role and responsibilities include:

EMV supports the Emergency Management Commissioner, who has overall responsibility for coordination before, during and after major emergencies including management of consequences of an emergency.

EMV is an integral part of the emergency management sector and shares responsibility with a range of agencies, organisations and departments for ensuring the system of emergency management in Victoria is sustainable, effective and community focussed.

Management and reporting

The Emergency Management Commissioner is Craig Lapsley.

The Chief Executive responsible for the day-to-day management of Emergency Management Victoria is Neil Robertson, who also holds the position Deputy Secretary, Emergency Management in the Department of Justice.

The Minister responsible is the Hon Jane Garrett, Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

Other government departments and agencies involved with emergency management

Other government departments and agencies involved with emergency management include the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Department of Health and Human Services, Ambulance Victoria and Victoria Police.


External links

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