Ernesto García Cabral

Ernesto García "The Chango" Cabral (Huatusco, Veracruz, 18 December 1890 – ibidem, 8 August 1968) was a cartoonist and Mexican painter, famous for his contributions as a caricaturist to the publication Revista de Revistas; his work numbers almost 25 000 pieces.

Besides, García Cabral was expert dancer of tangos, grecorromano wrestler and pioneer of silent cinema. He was extremely social and knew famous personalities of his period including Enrico Caruso, Walt Disney, Charles Lindbergh, Dolores del Río and Mario Moreno ("Cantinflas").


Born in Huatusco Veracruz. His first works known traces back to 1900 in a newspaper. Thanks to his talent, García Cabral taught drawing in his school from the age of 12 years.

In 1907, by means of previous management of the mayor of Huatusco (Joaquín Castro), the governor of Veracruz, Teodoro To. Pasture achieves a scholarship for García Cabral, what allows his entry to the Academia de San Carlos, where takes courses with Germán Gedovius. Professionally it initiates in 1909, collaborating like illustrator and caricaturist in the magazines The Tarantula, and Giddinesses, where is discovered by Fortunato Herrerías. During the suppression of the lifting of Achilles Serdán, Herrerías was ocular witness of the facts, that later described telegráficamente to García Cabral so that it illustrated the report. These illustrations (10 in total) are the first images known of the Mexican Revolution.

In spite of this, when bursting the revolution, so much the publications of Herrerías like the works of García Cabral adopted a strong tone antimaderista. Later it worked in 1911 for the magazine Multicolor property of Mario Vitoria, also antimaderista. During the revolution, made caricatures of characters like Francisco I. Madero, Enrique C. Creel, Pancho Villa, Bernardo Kings, María Conesa and Emiliano Zapata. In an attempt by callar the work of the cartoonist, in February 1912 the president Madero awards to García Cabral a scholarship of studies in Paris. In addition to his learning, García Cabral worked in France for the publications The Bayonette, Him Rire and The Vie Parisienne, forced by the need when cancelling the scholarship the president Victoriano Huerta.

Developing paulatinamente his personal and dramatic style, in 1915 García Cabral abandons France in the middle of narrownesses caused by the economy of war to arrive to Madrid, of there happens to Buenos Aires, Argentina. It draws there for the newspapers The Nation, The World-wide and The Time; likewise it works for the Expensive magazines and Caretas, I.G.B., Proteo and The Feather, and the Chilean publications Popular Magazine and The Ten. It became added of the Mexican embassy in Argentina.

Of return to Mexico in 1918, Ernesto García Cabral devotes to the drawing of colours and shortly after worked like caricaturist for the periodic Novelties, Thursday of Excélsior and Fufurufu, in addition to the magazine Fantoche. However it is his work like illustrator of covers for the publication of Magazine of Magazines the one who awarded him deserved fame, giving to know his innovative and fluent style that helped to enter the Art Deco to the American continent.

Eventualmente Would collaborate likewise for the magazines Today, Revista de Revistas, Ferronales, Icarus and Socrates between other more.

Winning in 1961 of the prize Mergenthaler conceded by the Inter-American Society of Press, the Chango Cabral died in City of Mexico on 8 August 1968


Awards and honors


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