Eve (Mauritian TV series)

Eve is a forthcoming Mauritian sitcom featuring the social and private lives of Mauritian women. It is a remake of the sitcom Desperate Housewives, with local actors and characters' profiles.

Main Cast

Karen Augustus

Mina Sheela Kumree

Samia Lakhan

Aprille Laventure

Liza Wong-Li

Secondary Cast

Anna Augustus

Sebastien Nergiade

Karishma Kumree

Javed Lakhan

Wario Laventure

Sunil Kumree

Arshadh Lakhan

Ken Segat

Ferdinard Laventure

Arnaud Laventure

Characters' Profiles

Karen Augustus

Karen is the main character of the sitcom. Being a divorced lady, Karen seized each opportunity that comes in front of her and tries to search happiness in it. Her main goals are her colleagues. Karen would have known to have led a peaceful life till the arrival of her rival sister, Anna. Till, filthy remarks have been sent to each other. Her ex-husband is called Sebastien Nergiade.

Mina Sheela Kumree

Mina is the second main character of the sitcom. She follows the Hindu religion. Mina is someone authoritative and respectful. She makes all her possible to achieve her goal, where makes it with wise thinking. However, she would witness all her nightmare when her daughter Karishma becomes a rebellious brat and Mina finds herself alone to fight against the generation gap. Later as the seasons progress, Mina becomes a drug addict.

Samia Lakhan

Samia is the third main character and also one of the most important ones. Following the Muslim religion, Samia is known to be the lady without problems. However, Samia also has her own problems, maybe the problems no woman would want to have. On one hand, there's her husband who is a great flirt and died because of being so, and on the other hand there's her son Arshadh, who does not accept the mother-son relationship.

Aprille Laventure

Aprille is the fourth lead of the sitcom. She is described being a good human, and she is one. She struggles to lead a normal life, but her destiny has decided otherwise. Despite having the support of her two sons, Aprille has trouble with her husband, Wario, who when becoming drunk, gets extremely violent and it finishes in bloodshed. There will be one famous night for Aprille where her elder son Ferdinard would get in an extremely violent feud with his father and Aprille finished by leaving the house.

Liza Wong-Li

Liza is the fifith lead. Liza is a Chinese. She is a divorced lady who has known pretty beautiful moments with her ex-husband. However, her ex-husband Ken would do anything to be back again by Liza's side. Liza is not easy to be convinced. To succeed, Ken sends his mother Chun Segat to Liza's house so as to convince her to be back where she belongs.

Anna Augustus

Anna is the villain of the story. Younger sister of Karen, Anna is known to be having slutty attitudes and has almost filthy plans to make her sister stoop low. There is a love-hate relationship between Karen and her. She has been the cause of Karen's divorced with Sebastien and now she is back to ruin the little happiness which remains for Karen. At the same time, she will not spare others and would do anything to ruin their happiness also. Some of her victims will be Samia and Aprille. The reason of her doing so is because when she was young, everybody would mock at her as she could never bring a guy to bed, especially her sister Karen. During season 2, Anna becomes the sixth lead of the sitcom.

Sebastien Nergiade

Sebastien is Karen's ex-husband. Sebastien is a woman-attractor, good-looking and smart. Since his rupture with Karen, Sebastien has seen another goal, Anna. He is caring but as he starts dating Anna, his mind change and starts thinking filthy to break Karen.

Karishma Kumree

Karishma is Mina ad Sunil's daughter. During season 1 and 2, Karishma has a minor role where she appears like the normal college-going girl and the friend of the family. Slowly during season 3, Karishma will start turning into a rebellious brat while her father starts neglecting his major role in the family. Karishma takes advantage and tortures her mother mentally where she even brings home one of her friend which turns out to be a lesbian: Leena. Things will really worsen when Karishma gets a huge crush on KAren's ex-husband, Sebastien. Karishma is one of the most important character of the sitcom.

Javed Lakhan

Javed is Samia's husband. Javed is a good human, cares about others and protective for his family but still, he has his own flaws. Javed is a real flirt and when it comes to ladies and women, he is present. This attitude of him has a lot of time been a trouble to Samia's life. Things will worsen when Javed starts having a liking toward the new neighbour, Anna Augustus, and he dies after being poisoned.

Wario Laventure

Wario is Aprille's husband. Wario is a violent and troublesome person. He has developed an addiction to alcohol and when matters get out of control, the results worsen. Due to his fury, Aprille will once zap and leaves the house. Wario is somewhat a selfish man.

Arshadh Lakhan

Arshadh is Javed and Samia's son. Arshadh has a complicated life. He has been away from home since a dispute with his mother, and when he returns home, he saw himself alone to tackle Samia. Things will worsen when a certain Riyad starts dating his mother. Arshadh, obsessed to be a responsible male since the death of Javed, will destroy his mother's happiness.

Sunil Kumree

Sunil is Mina's husband. During season 1, Sunil is seen to be a happy husband and always cares for his family. but as the sitcom progresses, Sunil is fired from his job and he starts neglecting his major role on the family. His daughter, Karishma, is really attached to him as she becomes a spoilt brat of her father.

Ken Segat

Ken is Liza's ex-husband. He still loves Liza, where their divorce has been the cause of some stupid misunderstandings. To achieve Liza, Ken uses his mother to slowly conquer Liza's heart. Ken is a pro at martial arts and protects his surroundings, especially Aprille during Wario's public fury.

Ferdinard Laventure

Ferdinard is Aprille and Wario's eldest son. Ferdinard is a responsible boy and like helping his surroundings. When it comes to the matters of heart, Ferdinard is shy and prefer to stay away. Ferdinard has a great liking to sports and is not addicted to alcohol like his father. He is more attached to his mother. When Arshadh Lakhan presents him his new girlfriend Sooraya, Ferdinard would spend sleepless nights and starts fantasizing on Sooraya. He will fall in love then.

Arnaud Laventure

Arnaud is the youngest son of Aprille and Wario. Arnaud is a normal school-going boy. He has problems at school and had to repeat many classes, to the disappointment of Aprille. Wario is however, less violent when it comes to Arnaud and sees in him the child he was when he was a kid. During the parents' absence, Arnaud drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes which are destined to be to his father.

Other Profiles

Benie Augustus: Benie is Karen and Anna's mother. She has not seen both her daughters since she has been married several times. However, she has a close mother-daughter realitonship with Karen. From Anna's viewpoint, Benie is a rival. Benie dies during end season 3 by Sebastien and Anna.

Sooraya Eelim: Sooraya is Arshadh's long-time girlfriend. Sooraya is a wealth-lover and she loves money. Her bogus love for Arshadh will slowly turns genuine when Arshadh proves his love. Aprille's son, Ferdinard, would also fall for Sooraya. Sooraya is a good friend to Karishma Kumree. Sooraya appears during season 3.

Chun Segat: Chun is Ken's mother. Chun is known to be a prefect lady. She is always well-coiffed, wear neat clothes and cleans the slightest dust. Chun's life also has been miserable and when she starts interacting with Liza, she sees how she has been unfortunate and the ties between her and Liza will get strong.

Radhni Kumree: Radhni is Mina's elder sister. Radhni is a really pious lady and spends her time praying. She appears during season 2 and comes to mess Mina's life by supporting everything Mina does not like. Radhini is killed by Mina during end season 2. Since then, Mina will be troubled mentally that she killed her sister and will start taking drugs.

Leena Patten: Leena is Karishma's lesbian friend. Leena has a nerd look and always stays away from her college buddies. She has a liking towards Karishma, where the latter remains unknown to the sexual attitude of her friend. Leena has been labelled as the nightmare of Mina when she starts making filthy requests and advances to Mina about Karishma. She even once bought two really thin sleeping outfits for her and Karishma and shows them to Mina just to provoke her. Lee na appears during season 3.

Sacha Esperance: Sacha is Aprille's friend. Sacha is a good-looking man and always helps Aprille in her difficult moments. Sacha appears during the first season. When Wario comes to know about the importance of Sacha in Aprille's life, Wario gets furious and breaks into Sacha's house at midnight, armed with an axe. Aprille once confessed to Karen that she loved Sacha.

Riyad Ashrafe: Riyad appears during season 3. Riyad is like an angel to Samia's life where he soothes the latter and ease her worries easily. He even succeeded at persuading Arshadh to respect Samia.

Regis Laventure: Regis is Wario's father. Regis appears during season 3 when the relationship of Wario and Aprille weakens. With Ferdinard help, he makes all his possible to reunite them and also, to reform Wario. Regis is an old man but surely knows the secret of seducing women. HE teaches Ferdinard things to do to please a woman, and the latter uses it to impress Sooraya.

Zabeth Nergiade: Zabeth is Karen's sexy niece. Zabeth comes in the neighbourhood during her vacation. Zabeth is a friendly girl and likes the people living around her. She will develop a liking to Ferdinard, where the latter has the eyes for Sooraya only. Zabeth hopes of falling in love once as she is an HIV holder.

Jasper Martin: Jasper was Karen's and Anna's childhood friend. Jasper just got back from United Kingdom and has seen the changes in his friends' lives. He appears during season 4. While supporting Karen, Jasper in fact falls in love with her. Karen notices that she can continue her life with Jasper.


Each season has 20-23 episodes; and each episode is 45–60 minutes long.

Season 1

(centered on Javed Lakhan)

Season 1 deals with the introduction of the 5 main characters of Eve: Karen, Mina, Samia, Aprile and Liza. There is the introduction of their lives and how they live it. We see what they do everyday to pass time and how each lady peeks through the other lady's life just because of curiosity. Javed dies after being poisoned by Anna. Characters that are introduced during this season are Anna and Sacha.

Season 2

(centered on Wario-Aprille Laventure)

Season 2 has a more vast significance as it peeks deeply in each characters' pasts. Anna becomes the sixth lead. The women had new problems like Karen has o face Anna, Mina has to face Sunil's ignorance towards the house, Samia has to tackle her son, Aprille and her drunk husband and finally Liza is seen being harassed by Ken's letters. We see also Mina's committing a crime by killing her elder sister. Characters that will be introduced are Radhni and Benie.

Season 3

(centered on Karishma Kumree)

Season 3 is more important than the previous two seasons as there is a boost in introducing new characters. We see a vast change in Samia's life as she falls in love again, Sebastien trying to break Karen, Anna seducing Wario, Liza has to face her perfect mother-in-law, Mina is in a mess with her rebellious daughter who gets crushes, and she has mental troubles concerning the death of her sister and everybody noticing the latter's absence. The character Benie Augustus is killed by a perfect-planned accident monitored my Sebastien and Anna. Characters introduced are Chun, Sooraya, Zabeth, Riyad, Regis and Leena.

Season 4

(centered on Riyad Ashrafe)

Season 4 opens after the death of Benie Augustus. Karen's life greatly changes when her childhood friend Jasper knocks at her door. Anna has develop a liking at seducing other man, having her prey Mina's husband, Aprille has witnessed a great change in Wario, Liza has got in a difficult chapter of her life, Samia has got a complete life when Riyad accepts to marry her and Mina has not still see her remaining nightmares and she starts taking drugs to ease the grudge of her sister's death. Character introduced is Jasper.

Season 5

(centered on Karen Augustus)

Season 5 deals with the last chapters and moments of the ladies. Mina has to face more trouble because of her daughter and is ready to admit to her relatives that she killed her sister, Samia has to accept a daughter-in-law like Sooraya, Karen has seen a terrible aspect as she is brutally raped and her father comes back in her life, Anna is in jail for the numerous crimes she has done, Liza is back with Ken and with new problems and Aprille has seen a new cheerful life.

See also


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