Games, Learning & Society Conference

Games Learning and Society Conference
Status Active
Genre Multi-genre
Venue Varies
Location(s) Madison Wisconsin
Country United States
Inaugurated 2005
Organized by Games Learning Society
Filing status Non-profit

The Games, Learning & Society academic conference, or GLS conference, is an annual gathering of academic researchers, video game developers, and government and industry leaders in Madison, Wisconsin, to discuss the social significance of gaming culture. Specifically, they examine how games can be used to transform how people learn and what implications that knowledge has for society. According to the official website, the conference's stated mission is to foster substantive discussion and collaboration among academics, designers, and educators interested in how videogames - commercial games and others—can enhance learning, culture, and education. The founder and chair is Constance Steinkuehler. The first conference was held in 2005, and took place at the Monona Terrace, a conference center inspired by the design of Wisconsin architect Frank Lloyd Wright.


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