Gianvito Martino

Gianvito Martino (born August 9, 1962) is an Italian neuroscientist.

Life and work

A native of Bergamo, Martino studied medicine and neurology at Pavia University and carried out periods of study and research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and at the University of Chicago.

He is the current Director of the Division of Neuroscience of San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, he teaches biology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and is honorary professor at the Queen Mary University of London.

He is one of the founders of BergamoScienza and the author of several scientific publications in top international journals.

For the Editrice San Raffaele (San Raffaele Press) he has edited, along with Edoardo Boncinelli, the book

and published



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