Giovanni Comisso

Giovanni Comisso (3 October 1895 – 1969) was an Italian writer.

Born in Treviso, Comisso was an important Italian literary figure in the first half of the 20th century. Comisso wrote novels, stories, and reportages (for the "Corriere della Sera" and "Gazzetta del Popolo"). A close friend of painter Filippo De Pisis, Comisso's account of their relationship provides a fascinating portrait of gay life in 1930s Paris.[1] Comisso fought in World War I and was with Gabriele D'Annunzio at Fiume.[2] During the war years, he also met poet Arturo Onofri, with whom he maintained a long correspondence.


Novels and Short Stories



  1. Comisso, Il mio sodalizio con Filippo De Pisis, Vincenza, Neri Pozza, 1993
  2. Il mio sodalizio, 13
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