Global Digital Format Registry

Global Digital Format Registry (GDFR) is a technical registry to support digital preservation services of Harvard University Libraries.[1] The Global Digital Format Registry (GDFR) was begun in 2005,[2] and is an example of an initiative exploring ways to create a sustainable data format registry.[3]


  1. Preserving Digital Materials ed. Ross Harvey - 2011 ... GDFR is a partner in the UDFR (Unified Digital Formats Registry), established in 2009 in conjunction with The National Archives (UK) and other international partners.
  2. Henry Gladney Preserving Digital Information - 2007 "Harvard University Libraries' Global Digital Format Registry (GDFR), began in late 2005."
  3. A DRIVER's Guide to European Repositories ed. Kasja Weenink, Leonardus Johannes Maria Waaijers, Karen van Godtsenhoven - 2008 "The Global Digital Format Registry (GDFR) is an example of an initiative that investigates the possibilities to establish a sustainable data format registry."

External links

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