Heraldischer Atlas

Heraldischer Atlas; eine Sammlung von heraldischen Musterblättern für Künstler, Gewerbetreibende, sowie für Freunde der Wappenkunde

the original book cover
Author Hugo Gerard Ströhl
Original title Heraldischer Atlas; eine Sammlung von heraldischen Musterblättern für Künstler, Gewerbetreibende, sowie für Freunde der Wappenkunde
Language German
Subject heraldry
Published 1899 (Verlag Julius Hoffmann)
Media type print

Heraldischer Atlas; eine Sammlung von heraldischen Musterblättern für Künstler, Gewerbetreibende, sowie für Freunde der Wappenkunde was a book on heraldry by Austrian heraldist and heraldic artist Hugo Gerard Ströhl, published in Stuttgard in 1899. As the full title says, it was intended as a model book for how coats of arms should be drawn.

This large volume is still considered a standard work in German heraldic literature. The English book The Art of Heraldry: An Encyclopædia of Armory (1904) by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies incorporates its plates and much of its text translated to English.

The book is now in the public domain and free to copy; since its creator died in 1919, copyright expired in 1989. Scanned images are available at Wikimedia commons.


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