Type of site
Job Search Engine
Available in English
Founded 2012
Headquarters Sydney, Australia
Owner Insidetrak Pty Ltd
Key people Michael Larsen (CEO)
Employees 6 (2012)
Commercial Yes
Registration Optional
Current status Active

Insidetrak is an employment website for job listings (thus also an example of vertical search) and online recruitment advertising network. The company aggregates job listings from job boards and company career sites in Australia and match them against a proprietary database of workplace reviews. The company intend to match job opportunity and insight information on the company advertising the job. A review process and technological solutions have been implemented to ensure reviews adhere to the community guidelines[1]

Job advertisement is free in the site. The revenue model is currently undetermined with only one allusive sentence related to a-la-carte performance enhancement[2] (advertising in a pay-per-click (PPC) model is the most likely interpretation).

Insidetrak currently operates job search engine only in Australia. Insidetrak is a local copy of the popular U.S. website[3]

Like its American peers,[4] Insidetrak is considered a mindfield regarding the legal aspect of the reviews. Under Australian laws, site webmasters are responsible for the content placed on their site.

See also


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 8/12/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.