International School of Choueifat, Sharjah

The International School of Choueifat, Sharjah is a branch of the International School of Choueifat located in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates that follows the 'SABIS' system. The school opened in 1975 and is located beside the cricket stadium in Sharjah. It was the first Choueifat School in the Middle East outside of Lebanon. It has 4,000+ students, two indoor swimming pools, a football field, several full-sized basketball and football courts, 2 multipurpose, air-conditioned indoor gymnasiums, one outdoor canteen and one indoor canteen.

The ‘SABIS’ system has had many positive reviews. Both students and teachers appreciate the system and what it has to offer. The 127-year-old system combines academics, self-development, and life preparation aiming at building the students to overcome any obstacles in the future. Students’ hard work and responsibility for self and others leads to quality education from a well-reputed system. This system manages to cover British and American systems together. Students are able to improve their academic performance any time through the weekly exams and quizzes in every subject. Homework also plays a role in improving the academic performance and responsibility of the student.

All ‘SABIS’ students, including those with lower ability, can achieve very similar results if they all do equal amount of work, not just in class. The staff is trained to motivate students to learn and build a suitable learning environment. This shows how dedicated the ‘SABIS’ team is to build a brighter future.

The features that this system offers are quite unique, which is the advantage over others. The ‘SABIS’ curriculum is different from the rest. It uses specific books in core subjects with precise detail to cover the material assigned. Teachers use unique techniques to spread the knowledge amongst their students. The detailed instructions and examples provide a high quality of education. The staff and faculty work hard to ensure that the learning environment is safe, and well disciplined with only positive outcomes.

The system also includes a student-led organization for better attitude and behavior. They take care of extra curricular activities and study session with the help of staff members and faculty. Students involved in this organization often earn great leadership characteristics. Through these activities, students can socialize, relax, refresh, and have fun while focusing on their studies. Examples of extracurricular activities include: swimming, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, football, painting, and music. These sports and cultural activities help keep students physically fit, improve their energy and stamina, widen their interests, and promote mental agility. Basically, everything that leads to a healthier and prosperous life.

The Student Life Organization (SLO) involves student volunteers earning points, which they may add to their resume and experience. They organize in-school teams, academic and athletic competitions, field trips, as well as school sponsored events.

Moreover, the Sharjah campus has a lot to offer. Every year the student body exceeds 4,000 students, which is quite a big number for a Middle Eastern based school. The campus is well equipped with high quality tools for the students to use. A library for research and study related issues, an IT hall for computerized weekly tests and quizzes, two swimming pools where regional tournaments and competitions may be held. Football is quite popular in the region and that is why you will find a football field as well as several full size basketball and football courts. Two multipurpose air-conditioned gymnasiums are also available for use by students and members of staff.

‘SABIS’ has always made sure their students and teachers are healthy. The campus holds two canteens serving only healthy dishes but with exclusive taste. This campus is amongst the best run by ‘SABIS’ in the region. Results show, not only through their students, but their graduates too.

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