John the Exarch

John the Exarch
Born 9th century
Bulgarian Empire
Died 10th century
Bulgarian Empire
Occupation cleric, writer, translator
Notable works Hexameron

John the Exarch (also transcribed Joan Ekzarh; Bulgarian: Йоан Екзарх) was a medieval Bulgarian scholar, writer and translator, one of the most important men of letters working at the Preslav Literary School at the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 10th century. He was active during the reign of Boris I (852–889) and his son Simeon I (893–927). His most famous work is the compilation Shestodnev (Шестоднев – Hexameron) that consists of both translations of earlier Byzantine authors and original writings.


An medieval book
John the Exarch's Hexameron, 15th century Russian translation

Evidence about his life is scarce but his literary legacy suggests an excellent knowledge of Greek language. It is therefore assumed that John the Exarch received his education in the Byzantine Empire. Some historians assume that his sobriquet "the Exarch" means that he was the Archbishop of Bulgaria.[1] Others suggest that this was not an bishopric rank.[2] There are also theories that identify John the Exarch with Chernorizets Hrabar[3] or with John of Rila.[4]

Literary activities

John the Exarch’s literary work includes a number of translations of medieval Byzantine authors, the most important of which is the translation, around 895, of On Orthodox Christianity by the Byzantine theologian John of Damascus. He is also the author of several original works and compilations, the most important whereof is the compilation Шестоднев (Shestodnev). The compilation includes parts of the works of several Byzantine authors, most notably Basil the Great, as well as original parts which give valuable first-hand evidence about the Bulgarian Empire under Simeon I (893 927). John the Exarch describes the royal palace and the Bulgarian ruler that includes information about his attire, the boyars, the social stratification of the Bulgarian society and like matters.


  1. Кръстанов, Т. Кариера на Св. Йоан Екзарх, архиепископ и патриарх на българската земя, и на Св. Климент, епископ велички и охридски чудотворец в провинция Западна България, с. 79: "Сам той, вече като архиепископ Йоан, възлага на друг български книжовник презвитер Йоан от ІХ–Х в. да превежда две жития, който го нарича „архиепископ Йоан, църковен строител на българската земя“.
  2. Добрев, И. Йоан Презвитер Екзарх Български и устройството на Българската църква през Първото ни царство. – В: Християнска агиология и народни вярвания: Сборник в чест на ст.н.с. Елена Коцева (ред. А. Милтенова, Е. Томова, Р. Станкова). С., 2008, 356-369.
  3. Ватикански открития за "Черноризец Храбър"
  4. 1 ноември - ден на св. Иван Рилски и народните будители




See also

Titles of Chalcedonian Christianity
Preceded by
Gregory Presbyter
Archbishop of Bulgaria (?)
before 917
Succeeded by
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