Johannes Knoops

Johannes Knoops is an American architect, international architectural correspondent[1] and professor of architecture in the department of interior design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York city. Knoops design for a desk in the tradition of a Japanese scholars study as influenced by origami was written about in New York Magazine[2] and his design for a new wedding chapel atop the New York Municipal Building by Architectural Scholar.[3]

An alumnus of the Yale School of Architecture,[4] Knoops is a 2000 recipient of the Rome Prize in architecture. At F.I.T he has been recognized with a faculty award for "rewriting (his) department's cirriculum and refreshing the Lawrence Israel Prize Lecture".[5]

Knoops work "Venice Re-Mapped"[6] is included in the exhibion "Time Space Existence" at the Palazzo Mora, a collateral exhibit of the 2016 edition of the Venice Biennale of Architecture.[7]


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