Kallima knyvetti

Male (above and side view)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Kallima
Species: K. knyvetti
Binomial name
Kallima knyvetti

Kallima knyvetti, the oakleaf, is a species of leaf mimic butterfly found in Southeast Asia.


Male upperside forewing: basal area to near apex of cell and thence obliquely to the zigzag subterminal line as it crosses interspace 1 dark green,succeeded by a black line along the discocellulars, and a broad sinuous discal band (not curved as in Kallima horsfieldi) bluish white below vein 3, pure white with bluish suffused inner margin above vein 3 to costa; measured on the costal margin, the outer edge of this band less than half the length of the wing from base, the rest of the wing to apex black, with a preapical white spot; a medial discal hyaline spot in interspace 2. Hindwing-dark ochraceous brown, the costal margin and apex broadly and the abdominal fold much paler brown, irrorated with scattered dusky scales; vein 1 and the abdominal fold with long soft brown, hairs. Forewings and hindwings with a dark subterminal zigzag line commencing somewhat below vein 3 on the forewing. Underside as in Kallima inachus protectively coloured. Antennae black; head and thorax anteriorly dark green, thorax posteriorly and abdomen olivaceous brown.[1]

Expanse 108–112 mm.


Sikkim; Bhutan: Assam, the Naga hills; Tenasserim;


  1. Bingham, C.T. (1905). The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma Butterflies. 1 (1st ed.). London: Taylor and Francis, Ltd.

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