Killing Me Softly (novel)

Killing Me Softly
Author Nicci French
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre Crime
Publisher Penguin Group
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 307 pp
ISBN 0892966971

Killing Me Softly is a psychological thriller by writing team Nicci French from 1999.


Alice Loudon, a pharmaceutical researcher who lives in London, leaves her boyfriend Jake to marry Adam Tallis, a mountain climber she met only recently. When Adam shows violent behaviour, Alice starts asking questions about his past. She finds out that he saved people's lives during an expedition on the Chungawat in the Himalayas. Several people had died on this expedition, including his former girlfriend Françoise. A woman who read an article about the rescue claimed to have been raped by Adam, but he has been acquitted. When Alice starts to suspect that Adam has killed several of his ex-girlfriends, people around her think she needs psychiatric help.

Main characters


Publishers Weekly: "With lucid and limber prose, French delves into Alice's thoughts as skillfully as she describes the London setting. The pacing is swift and the dialogue sharp and realistic."[1]


In Kaige Chen's film adaptation of 2002 Heather Graham played Alice, and Joseph Fiennes Adam.[2]


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