Ko (Korean surname)

Family name
Pronunciation Go, Koh, Goh
Meaning high
Region of origin Korean peninsula
Language(s) of origin Korean
Related names Gao, Cao
Revised Romanization Go
McCune–Reischauer Ko
"Ko (surname)" redirects here. For the Chinese surname romanized to Ko in Hong Kong, see Gao (surname).

Ko (髙|高), also variously romanized Go, Koh, or Goh, is a common Korean family name. As of the 2000 South Korean census, there were 435,000 Kohs in South Korea, accounting for just under 1% of the population. Liaoyang (遼陽) based Go (高) family is The Royal of Goguryeo, Northern Yan ruler Gao Yun (高雲), Tang Dynasty general Gao Xianzhi (高仙芝) has Goguryeo origin.

Go or Goh

Ko or Koh

See also

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