Lambda Coronae Borealis

Lambda Coronae Borealis
Observation data
Epoch J2000      Equinox
Constellation Corona Borealis
Right ascension 15h 55m 47.58679s
Declination +37° 56 49.0491
Apparent magnitude (V) 5.44

Lambda Coronae Borealis (l CrB), is a star located in the constellation Corona Borealis. Lambda Coronae Borealis is also known as HR 5936, and HD 142908. The star is located at Right Ascension 15h 55m 47s and Declination 37 deg 56 arcmin 49 arcsec.

Lambda Coronae Borealis is a binary star system, where A and B are separated by 98 arcsec. Lambda Coronae Borealis A is an F0IV subgiant star with an apparent visual magnitude of +5.45, and an absolute visual magnitude of +2.34. Lambda Borealis A has an effective temperature of 7500k and a mass of 1.4 solar masses. Lambda Coronae Borealis B, also known as BD+38 2712B has a visual magnitude of +10.

The system is located at a distance of 41 parsecs, or 135.1 ly


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