List of Rulers of Futa Toro

The Rulers of Futa Toro were Muslim leaders titled Almaami (a Fula corruption of Imam) that governed the Imamate of Futa Toro from the late 18th century into the late 19th century. It was the first Muslim Fula Dynasty. It overthrew the pagan Denianke Dynasty of the Empire of Great Fulo in 1776/

List of independent Almaami of Futa Toro

Futa Toro is incorporated into the jihad of Umar Tall

List of Almaami of Futa Toro under Toucouleur Empire

Futa Toro is incorporated into the Senegal Colony

List of Almaami of Futa Toro as part of the Senegal Colony

See also


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