List of compositions by Giovanni Sgambati

Giovanni Sgambati as a young man

This is a list of compositions by Giovanni Sgambati, an Italian composer. He conducted Liszt's Dante Symphony in 1866, and made the acquaintance of Richard Wagner's music for the first time at Munich, where he travelled with Liszt's company. His first album of songs appeared in 1870 (Schott Music), and his first symphony was played at the Palazzo del Quirinale in 1881.

Opus Numbers

Some of the entries below list two opus numbers. In his contribution about Sgambati for the New Grove, John Waterhouse attaches a worklist supposedly by the composer himself, with a completely different numbering system than that used by Schott, Sgambati's main publisher, eliminating unused or disowned opus numbers. Library of Congress has started to put them in the uniform titles, and new editions after 2001 (e.g. his symphonies) use the new numbering.[1] The composers own Opus numbers are used on the left, with Schott's published numbers added in parenthesis after the title.

List of compositions

Published works

Works with opus number

Works without opus number

Unpublished works

Lost or missing

Theoretical works


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