Love, Heartache and Other Stories

Love, heartache and Other Stories
Cover Original of Books
Author Cristian Hernandez Gonzalez
Original title Amores, desamores y otros cuentos
Country Chile
Language Spanish
Genre Poems
Publisher D-escritor Ediciones
Publication date
Pages 100
OCLC 25823349

'Love, heartache and Other Storiesis the third installment in writer's poetic chilean Cristian Hernandez Gonzalez published in 2010. The genre of Poetry to show the seriousness achieved from his pen. The book is divided into three areas such as the title suggests, finding poems of love, heartache and also other stories that are a variety of poems that in some cases have nothing to do with love. Following this trend of a vision of a damned poet and somewhat heartbreaking images.


The style used by the author is basically free, with an air of traditional poetry. Make a nice mix between the essentials of poetry, characterized by the breakdown of the verses. Uses a very expressive language, which seems rather out of the bowels of the author, with images that emulate the divine, sexual, passionate and heartbreaking love.

A commentary issued from Argentina, by Professor of Literature and Writer, Pablo Lorenzo of the country concerning the book, which shows the seriousness in the work of Cristian Hernandez Gonzalez is:

An excellent work of Cristian, there are pearls in this book of poems "Love, heartbreak and Other stories ...", 2 ° book author who gives us. I found a find the poem "Stupidity" by trying to break the structures. In his pen features a quality, thorough treatment of the word. " Pablo Lorenzo in

Moreover, the Venezuelan poet, Noris Roberts, no slouch in praise to the author's work Chilean, by the prologue and commenting on the book:

I was privileged to enjoy over town hours a spirit of great testimony of love. Certainly, sings with a French language, which exposes the passionate intimacy of man and causes the reader goes into raptures over this romantic landscape.

Noris Roberts

Resources Stylic

Most remarkable aspects

Corners Bed[1]
Naked bodies.
Beer, cigarettes, wine spread.
smoke that dissipates at night,
sweat, shame, stain of sin;
bed corners, hidden places. The sex that never stops,
The desire does not end.

The Poetry is in mourning[2]

Poetry is in mourning
because your love was on my side verses are now deceased and I am a widower of words The poetry is in mourning
and your kisses are other metaphors are hurt yesterday, the day of tomorrow.

• Other issues touched by the author as the vision of a society mired in routine, the blandness of not appreciating the little things, details. Not questioning the things that are done. Other aspects are poems dedicated to some people motivated to not falter in the pursuit of love. But where is the most inroads pessimistic view of their country, society and present:

The Valley of Shadows[3]

The valley of shadows,
place inhabited by shadows.
Under a dark cloud shadows,
Capital of the land of shadows Central Valley of shadows
Shadow ruled by women.
With its shadow ministers, their lackeys


Cristian Hernandez Gonzalez is expressed in an exquisite way, using a very precise language, rich in expressions and beauty. Through this beautiful language so the reader manages to convey an image of what you read, but life does not imagine the intense emotions that the poet must write, describing his inner world, to link with the world of the reader..


  1. Hernandez, Gonzalez Cristian, "Love, heartache and Other Stories", D-escritor Ediciones. 2010, Pag. 45
  2. Hernandez, Gonzalez Cristian, "Love, heartache and Other Stories", D-escritor Ediciones. 2010, Pag. 77
  3. Hernandez, Gonzalez Cristian, "Love, heartache and Other Stories", D-escritor Ediciones. 2010, Pag. 91
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