Measuring the World

Measuring the World

Hardcover edition
Author Daniel Kehlmann
Original title Die Vermessung der Welt
Translator Carol Brown Janeway
Country Germany
Language German
Genre Novel
Publisher Pantheon Books
Publication date
September 2005
Published in English
November 7, 2006
Pages 304 (German hardcover edition)
272 (English hardcover edition)
ISBN 3-498-03528-2 (German hardcover edition)
ISBN 0-375-42446-6 (English hardcover edition)
OCLC 61714982
LC Class PT2671.E32 V47 2005

Measuring the World (German: Die Vermessung der Welt) is a novel by German author Daniel Kehlmann, 2005 published by Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek. The novel re-imagines the lives of German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss and German geographer Alexander von Humboldt—who was accompanied on his journeys by Aimé Bonpland—and their many groundbreaking ways of taking the world's measure, as well as Humboldt's and Bonpland's travels in America and their meeting in 1828. One subplot fictionalises the conflict between Gauss and his son Eugene; while Eugene wanted to become a linguist, his father decreed that he study law. The English translation is by Carol Brown Janeway (November 2006). The book was a bestseller; by 2012 it had sold more than 2.3 million copies in Germany alone.[1]

A film version directed by Detlev Buck was released in 2012.[2]


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