Morris Library (SIUC)

Morris Library
Type University Academic Library
Location Southern Illinois University Carbondale
605 Agriculture Drive
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
Items collected Books, journals, newspapers, magazines, maps, prints and manuscripts, e-books,
Size 2.6 M volumes
200,000 e-books
43,000 current periodicals & serials
over 3.6 M microform units
Other information
Director Pamela Hackbart-Dean (Special Collections Research Center)
Barb Martin (SIU Press)
Michael Reiman (Records)

Morris Library is the main academic library on the campus of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, in Carbondale, Illinois. Named for Delyte W. Morris who served as President of Southern Illinois University from 1948 to 1970.[1] The library occupies 8 floor (including the basement).[2]

The library underwent a $60 Million dollar renovation beginning in January 2006,[3] and final completion in 2014.[4]

Memberships & Associations


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