Nicolas Tenorio Cerero

Nicolas Tenorio Cerero

Nicolás Tenorio Cerero (born 28 December 1863 in Villalba del Alcor (Huelva) Spain - died 1 December 1930 in Seville), was a Justice Judge and Spanish Historian.


Orphaned at the age of 5, he moved to live to the city of Seville and studied in the University of Seville between 1881 and 1886 then began to pursue a career as an attorney. After graduating he worked as a journalist for several years until he obtained for opposition (examination) judge's place at the end of the 19th century. His(its) first destiny in the year 1897, on the paper(role), was in city of Havana, in the island of Cuba (when [Spain] was concerning(belonged) to the kingdom of [Spain]); He did not manage to take possession since days before landing in the Island of Cuba War declared itself her(it) Hispanic - American that bore to the proclamation of Cuba as independent country.

On returning to Spain, he remained four years without judge's(judge) destiny, time of that he took advantage to deal the university career of History and to begin in the study of the important files located in Seville, the General File of The Indies and others, at the time that he exercised the law and the journalism in Seville. The career of justice practised judge in different regions of Spain, like Galicia, Murcia, Cadiz, Burgos and Seville. He was a Secretary Book-keeper of the Cultural club of Seville between(among) the year 1889 to 1893. Elect member of the Royal(Real) Sevillian Academy of the Good Letters from 1900. He is an editor of the magazine The Sevillian Newscaster from his(its) foundation in the year 1893, working for other publications of the epoch as The Future.

In his second destiny, as Judge of the first Instance(Authority) and Instruction, Nicolás Tenorio, came to the district from Viana do Bolo (Ourense, Galicia) from Seville in October 1900. He practises in Viana until the year 1906, date in which ithe moved to Vilamartín de Valdeorras (Ourense, Galicia). Later it(he) is moved to the locality of Mule (Murcia) in 1910, wherefrom he(she) happened(passed) to practise in Cadiz in 1910, being again I move to Burgos as fiscal Lieutenant of the Hearing; for years later in 1917, to finish his judicial career in his natal Seville, as justice of the civil thing. Parallel to his(its) professional exercise of the judicial career, he devoted himself to the historical study, with the creation of interesting books on the medieval epoch in Seville, the juridical and political institutions of the epoch.

It published books of study sociologically and antropológic or. Named favorite son of Seville His work has had nowadays a new reissue especially the qualified one " The Galician Village La Aldea Gallega ", due to the fact that it is a question of the first anthropologic study written on the rural galicia and he reaches details of the culture and popular customs only ones.



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