Nuno Pereira de Lacerda

Nuno Pereira de Lacerda


Coat of Arms of Lacerda
Born 1425
Died 10 May 1509
Religion Roman Catholic

Nuno Pereira de Lacerda (1425-1509) was a Portuguese nobleman, Alcaide of Portel Fronteira and Vidigueira.[1] He was vassal of the King John I of Portugal.[2]


Nuno was the son of Diogo Nunes Pereira and Brites de Abreu,[3] daughter of John Falconet and Maria da Silva.[4] His paternal grandparents were Martim Gonçalves de Lacerda and Violante Pereira.[5] He was married to Guiomar de Brito,[6] daughter of Manuel de Brito, Captain of Chaul, and his wife Francisca Cardoso.[7]

Nuno Pereira de Lacerda was a direct descendant of Alfonso X of Castile and the Queen Violant of Aragon.[8]


  1. Annaes historicos do estado do Maranhaõ. Bernardo P. de Berredo.
  2. Poetas palacianos. Teófilo Braga -.
  3. Revendo a Genealogia Pereira (PDF). Óscar Caeiro Pinto.
  4. Grande enciclopédia portuguesa e brasileira: Ilustrada com cêrca de 15.000 gravuras e 400 hors-textes a côres. Editorial Enciclopédia.
  5. Estudios genealógicos y heráldicos. Asociación Española de Estudios Genealógicos y Heráldicos.
  6. Pedatura lusitana (nobiliário de famílias de Portugal). By Cristovão Alão de Morais, Eugénio de Andrea da Cunha e Freitas.
  7. The Portuguese Columbus: Secret Agent of King John II. Maxcarenhas Barreto,Reginald A Brown.
  8. O português Cristóvão Colombo: agente secreto do Rei Dom João II. Augusto M. Barreto.
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