Ornella Fiorentini

Ornella Fiorentini

Ornella Fiorentini presenta il libro Arteè
Occupation Writer
Nationality Italian
Notable awards 1991, il 1° prize per la poesia inedita "Mosaico" al concorso nazionale di poesia "Città di Ravenna", 2001, il 1° prize del concorso nazionale di poesia "Città di Faenza", 1° prize per il racconto inedito al concorso nazionale della Scuola Holden di Alessandro Baricco, Torino

Ornella Fiorentini is an Italian poet and writer born in Ravenna, Italy, living and working in Ravenna, Italy.[1][2][3]


Ornella Fiorentini is an Italian writer and poet who lives in Ravenna. She graduated in Art at D.A.M.S., Bologna University, achieved the Proficiency Certificate in English of the University of Cambridge at the British Council, Bologna. Author of novels, thrillers, children’s books, books of poetry, essays, she wrote articles for "It's different Magazine", Ravenna, for the literary magazine "NTL – La Nuova Tribuna Letteraria",[4] Lozzo Atestino (PD) e "La Piè", Imola (BO). Since 2009 she has been holding workshops of creative writing for Coop Adriatica, Ravenna,[5] the Municipality of Russi (Ravenna) and C.A.P.I.T. Romagna.[6] In 2011 she taught the seminar on Brazilian poetry "Planet South America" at Ipercoop, Ravenna. In 2012 she held a workshop of creative writing at MAMI, the first International gipsy festival of Arts, Music and Literature in Segni (Rome) which was organized by Santino Spinelli, president of FederArtRom. In 2013 she took part to the European Community project “Art for the social change” which was organized by Cianove Cultural Association, Ravenna and the Artist Foundation, Sofia. Since 2012 in Ravenna alternates to lead the creative writing workshop Coop Adriatica with Stas' Gawronski, creator of Cult Book, Educational RAI-3.[7] She participated with Italy-Bulgaria Cianove Association of Ravenna and the Artist Foundation of Sofia to the European Community project "Art for Social Change 2013" in Bulgaria.[8][9] In 2014 he presented the Art catalog book Arteè by Peter Michael Musone published Il Masso delle Fate in the Caffè Giubbe Rosse in Florence. In 2015 is a poet declaimed the literary meeting "Dante ritorna a casa" at Caffè Giubbe Rosse, with Franco Costantini actor's recital accompanied on guitar by Raimondo Raimondi, together the following poets: Anna Balsamo, Alfredo Vernacotola, Menotti Galeotti, Lilly Brogi, Giancarlo Bianchi, Alexandros Gounaras. [10] in the same year she organizes and presents "Omaggio a Dante" at the club Laps of Fucecchio with the actors Franco Costantini e Evelina Drianovska.[11] In 2014 she presented the art catalogue “Arteè” written by Peter Michael Musone and published by the publishing house Il Masso delle Fate in the Caffè Giubbe Rosse in Florence. In 2015 is a poet declaimed the literary meeting "Dante ritorna a casa" at Caffè Giubbe Rosse, with Franco Costantini actor's recital accompanied on guitar by Raimondo Raimondi, together the following poets: Anna Balsamo, Alfredo Vernacotola, Menotti Galeotti, Lilly Brogi, Giancarlo Bianchi, Alexandros Gounaras. [12] in the same year she organizes and presents "Omaggio a Dante" at the club Laps of Fucecchio with the actors Franco Costantini e Evelina Drianovska.[13] Ornella Fiorentini’s main novels are “Il cuore a fette”, “Cuore d’artista”, “La bambola di Solange”, “Obiettivo Veronika”, “Le stelle di San Lorenzo”, “A bocca chiusa”, “E perché dovrei pentirmi?”, “Dove si posano gli aironi”. Her main collection of stories are “Teodora Degli Innocenti”, “Si può morire per amore?” and “Christine”. Her main children’s books are “Niklas e Kimkim”, “Martino e il pettirosso” and “Agustin nella Terra del Fuoco”. Her main books of poems are “Sciamana”, “Diamanti – Poesie di Resurrezione”, “Matrioska”, “Erba smeraldo” and “Girasole caparbio”. She wrote the one-act play “Nena del Guadalquivir”, the e-books “La Principessa Virginia” and “Viola & Cannella”. Her main essay is “Nello specchio di Alice – Il nonsense in epoca vittoriana”.

Published works



Poetry anthologies

Awards and honors


External links

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