Pyotr Alexeyevich Golitsyn

Prince Pyotr Alexeyevich Golitsyn ( born on 22 January 1792, Moscow, Russian Empire - died on 16 October 1842, Paris, France) was a Russian prince, a member of the Patriotic War and foreign campaigns, and a Catholic convert from Russian Orthodoxy.


He was born on 22 January 1792 in Moscow in the family of Alexei and Alexandra Golitsyna. In 1817 in Kiev, married a Polish girl Elżbieta Zlotnitskoy, who was in love with a famous poet Denis Davydov. In 1820 under the influence of his wife and the mother he converted to Catholicism.[1] In 1837, his wife with their children (three sons and one daughter) had moved abroad, the prince bought land in Paris where he establish with his family. He died in Paris on 16 October 1842.


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