Pseudohaetera hypaesia

Pseudohaetera hypaesia
Pseudohaetera hypaesia from Colombia. Mounted specimen
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Satyrinae
Tribe: Haeterini
Genus: Pseudohaetera
Species: P. hypaesia
Binomial name
Pseudohaetera hypaesia
(Hewitson, 1854)
  • Haetera hypaesia Hewitson, 1854
  • Haetera hippomene Boisduval, 1870
  • Haetera f. strandi Niepelt, 1922

Pseudohaetera hypaesia is a butterfly species from the subfamily Satyrinae in the family Nymphalidae.


Pseudohaetera hypaesia or Hypaesia Satyr has a wingspan of about 105 millimetres (4.1 in). Uppersides of the wings are transparent with iridiscent light reflections and the margins, except the inner margin of the anterior wing, are brown, while the nervure is black. The anterior wing is crossed obliquely from the lower disco cellular nervule to the anal angle by a narrow band of brown. The posterior wings have the outer margin broadly bordered with purple-brown, enclosign five irregular transparent spots, that near the apex larger than the rest, and intersected by a nervure. Two black eyes are locatyed upon the margin, with iris rufous and pupil white. The undersides of the wings are as above, with a light rufous band transversely through the brown border of the posterior wing above the white spots.


This species can be found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.


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