Public Works Management & Policy

Public Works Management and Policy  
Discipline Public Administration
Language English
Edited by Richard G. Little
Publication details
Publication history
Frequency Quarterly
ISSN 1087-724X
LCCN 96652944
OCLC no. 535496227

Public Works Management and Policy is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes papers four times a year in the field of Public Administration. The journal's editor is Richard G. Little (University of Southern California). It has been in publication since 1996 and is currently published by SAGE Publications in association with the Section on Transportation Policy and Administration of the Administration of the American Society for Public Administration.


Public Works Management and Policy is a resource for academics and practitioners in public works and the public and private infrastructure industries. The journal publishes research results, evaluative management innovations, methods of analysis and evaluation and policy issues. Public Works Management and Policy aims to address the planning, financing, development and operations of civil infrastructure systems.

Abstracting and indexing

Public Works Management and Policy is abstracted and indexed in the following databases:

  • Business Source Complete
  • Business Source Elite
  • Business Source Premier
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