Relationship between string theory and quantum field theory

Many first principles in quantum field theory are explained, or get further insight, in string theory:

Note: formally, gauge symmetries in string theory are (at least in most cases) a result of the existence of a global symmetry together with the profound gauge symmetry of string theory, which is the symmetry of the worldsheet under a local change of coordinates and scales.


  1. This argument uses the zero picture representation, in which states of the Neveu-Schwarz sector have an even number of excited fermionic oscillators, and are therefore commuting among themselves (i.e. have the statistics of bosons). States of the Ramond sector are anticommuting among themselves (i.e. have the statistics of fermions), ultimately due to the fermionic fields "living" on them. The spacetime statistics of states in scattering amplitudes is a consequence of their worldsheet statistics.
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