Reyhan (script)

A Reyhan script from the 14th century.

Reyhan (Arabic: ریحان) is one of the six canonical scripts of the perso-arabic calligraphy. The word Reyhan means basil in Arabic and Persian. Reyhan is a variant of the Muhaqqaq script, but it is finer than Muhaqqaq and because of that it is compared with flowers and leaves (basil).[1] It was developed during the Abbasid era by Ibn al-Bawwab. [2]


  1. "معرفی خط ریحان". Retrieved 1 September 2015.
  2. الفخرو، إبراهيم بن يوسف (2015م). رحلة الخط العربي في ظلال المصحف الشريف (الطبعة الأولى). صفحة 100
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