Role UAV
National origin China
Manufacturer (SCUT)
Designer Mr. Peng Hailong
Introduction 2011
Status In service
Primary user China

SCUT UAV is a Chinese UAV developed by South China University of Technology (SCUT) for China Marine Surveillance (CMS). Although CMS has been operating UAVs, it actually never owned any, because UAV operations are contracted out to private companies and both the crews and UAVs are owned by private contractors. SCUT has developed an unmanned helicopter for CMS under the leadership of the general designer Professor Pei Hailong (裴海龙, 1965 –), the deputy director of School of Automation Science and Engineering of SCUT, and after its successful completion, the unmanned helicopter was handed over to CMS Guangdong division on December 30, 2011. The handed over ceremony marked the beginning of the first CMS UAV in Guangdong, as well as in China, because it is the first UAV owned and operated by CMS itself, instead of by private contractors previously. The complete name for the SCUT UAV by CMS is Marine Surveillance Unmanned Helicopter (Hai-Jian Wu-Ren Zhi-Sheng-Ji / Haijianwurenzhishengji, 海监无人直升机).[1] Specification:[2]

See also

List of unmanned aerial vehicles of the People's Republic of China


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