Salvatore Gallo (sculptor)

Salvatore Gallo – Sculptor-Artist 1928-1996

Salvatore Gallo Sculptor 1928-1996

Salvatore Gallo was born in 1928 in Vittoria in Sicily He studied in Turin with Carlo Carra from 1946-49. He then went to study in Mexico with the Mexican artist David Siqueiros fom 1955 -1957.

Gallo moved to New York USA in 1958 where he had his first major show at the Chiser Gallery. And began a collaboration with his cousin Frank Gallo Professor of Art at Boston University. Upon, completing several major commissions together. They had a major exhibition of work in Tel Aviv, Israel. In 1964 he left the States to move to Paris.

In 1965 he held his first major show at "' L’Academie Dufaux"' Paris. At the same time he took part in the Major exhibition “Art Fantastique” at the Langlois Gallery in Paris.

He received major recognition when he exhibited his sculptures At the Italian Embassy in Paris and at the musee d”Art Moderne. In 1969 he participated in the exhibition "Since Rodin" where he was presented with the Medalle de bronze.

In 1970 he was honoured further in recognition of his work with the Medaille d’argent a la Biennale Internationale de Juvisy.

Then in 1972 he won the Medaille d’ora la Biennale Internationale de Juvisy, culminating with the honour Eme Grand Prix de Juan-les Pins. He started working at his new studio at La Maison des Artistes in Nogent sur Marne Paris

Awards and commissions from 1975–1996 Medaille d’or au 14 eme salon International de Paris Sud de Juvisy. 1975 Participated in the 50th anniversary of the group of de Grear at the Chateau de Montvillargenne.

It was in this year that Salvatore Gallo and his cousin Frank Gallo worked on a number of projects in the states including monuments in Dallas, Texas, as well as several sculptures for the Play Boy Club of America

1976 Exposition an Aurillac and the Exposition at Clermont Ferrand.

1977 La couleur dans de Ville Espace Cardin Salon de Mai in Paris Also the Salon de ‘La Jeune Sculpture” Salon des Realities Nouvelles.

1978 Exhibition for Salon de Mai a Paris

1980 Commission Memorial de la Paix in bronze

1981 Commission for the family Libereville Gabon

1983 -85 Commissions for the Salon Du Group Dor

1986 Commission for the Coppia Gabon - Le Couple Port Gentil1988 Sculpture for Live Aid Afrique

1990 Private commission for the Salon Donatello

1995 Final exposition of key works for the Maison D`es Artistes Nogent Sur Marne

1996 Last Commission from the President of The Societe Des Autoroutes Paris – Rhin Rhone Jean Antoine Winghart. A 35-ton piece of Granite carved by hand La Creation. Positioned on the rest area of Villeneuve-Archbishop Yonne alongside the A5 autoroute official inauguration on 21 June 1996 Aire de Villeneuve-l'Archeveque (Autoroute A5)

Final Commission - La Creation

Salvatore Gallo was commissioned in 1995 to create 3 sculptures for the Paris Rhine Autoroute. Unfortunately he was diagnosed with terminal cancer making the commissions impossible to carry out. However he had begun a Personnel piece "La Creation "4 years earlier. As it was nearing completion he received the news of his successful commission by the president of the Paris Rhine Autoroute Jean Antoine Winghart. After his initial elation on winning this prestigious commission Gallo had to face the reality that his illness would make this undertaking impossible. He told Jean Winghart the serious nature of his illness. But by now news had reached Jean Winghart of the incredible 35 ton “La Creation” and he asked Gallo if instead of the original commission The PRA could purchase this one piece for the midpoint position on the A5 at Villeneuve-Archbishop Yonne .

Salvatore Gallo completed and positioned the completed sculpture and just one week later died. (The Paris Rhine Autoroute paid 1.96 million Francs for the piece in 1996.)

La Creation

La Creation was one of the most demanding pieces Salvatore Gallo had conceived. Carved from a 35-ton slab of granite Quartz sandstone and pyrite. Excavated by workers near his country home at Marchais, a hamlet of Bagneaux Yonne France and close to the newly constructed A5 Autoroute. Its purchase by the Paris Rhine Autoroute enables the general public and travellers on the A5 to see an amazing work of art that was the final commission of this internationally recognised Sculptor. It was officially unveiled on the 21 June 1996 just a week after the Gallo's death.


{ Société des Autoroutes Paris Rhin Rhône Service de la Communication 41 bis, avenue Bosquet 75007 Paris, Frank Gallo Born 1933 Boston Sculptor Ref, Major Companies of Europe} {Jeanine Rivals}

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