Sant'Agostino, Montecosaro

Sant'Agostino is a Roman Catholic church located facing Piazza Trieste in Montecosaro, province of Macerata, in the region of Marche, Italy.


The brick church was built originally circa 1200, and dedicated to San Martino. It was the home of San Nicola da Tolentino for a year. Over the centuries it has undergone numerous reconstructions including a major one in the 16th century, and again in the 18th century. The Piazza side has a staircase and balustrade added in 1927. Near the apse is a tall bell tower

The interior was restored in 2003. It houses a silver and gilded Byzantine reliquary of the Holy Cross. The left wall has a organ built by Gaetano Callido in 1792. The wooden shutters have neoclassical paintings. [1]


  1. Province of Macerata, tourism entry.
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