Self-development plan

A Self-Development Plan (SDP) is a means used by US Army personnel to record personal and professional development goals and engage in continuous learning. The Self-Development Plan contains the personal and career goals of an individual.

Individuals at all levels continually study Army and joint doctrine and observations, insights, lessons, and best practices, as well as continue to learn from military history and other disciplines. Soldiers start their self-development plans during initial military training. Civilians begin their self-development plans when they are hired.

The self-development plan provides commanders and other leaders with pointers to improve soldiers' and civilians' tactical and technical skills throughout their careers. The self-development plan follows each soldier from assignment to assignment and each civilian from position to position. Successful self-development requires a team effort between individual soldiers, civilians and their leaders. Self-development begins with a self-assessment of one's strengths, weaknesses, potential, and developmental needs. Commanders and other leaders create an environment that encourages subordinates to establish personal and professional development goals. Refinement of those goals occurs through personal coaching or mentoring by commanders and leaders. Reachback, dL, and other technologies support these self-development programs.[1]


  1. "Training for Full Spectrum Operations Publication Draft V2" (PDF). 2008-07-18. Retrieved 2010-06-13.
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