Social security in Switzerland
The social security in Switzerland includes several public and private insurance plans to promote the welfare of the population.
Social security services in Switzerland includes:
- Unemployment insurance (German: Arbeitslosenversicherung, ALV; French: Assurance-chômage, AC), directly deducted from salary
- Income compensations (German: Erwerbsersatzordnung, EO; French: allocations pour perte de gain, APG)
- Family allowances (German: Familienzulagen, French: allocations familiales)
- Disability insurance (German: Invalidenversicherung, IV; French: Assurance-invalidité, AI)
- Accident insurance (German: Unfallversicherung, French: assurance-accidents)
- Health insurance
- Pension funds
- First pillar: state insurance (German: Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung, AHV; French: Assurance-vieillesse et survivants, AVS)
- Second pillar: professional insurance (German: Berufliche Vorsorge, French: prévoyance professionnelle)
- third pillar: personal insurance (German: 3. Säule, French: 3ème pilier)
- Social assistance (French: aide sociale)
- Additional services
See also
External links
- Insurances and social security in Switzerland
- Social insurance for foreign nationals
- Social security in Switzerland (Federal Social Insurance Office)
- Social security in Switzerland (brochure)
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