The Widow of Bath

The Widow of Bath
Author Margot Bennett
Country UK
Language English
Genre Crime
Published 1952
Pages 223
ISBN 0 7540 8592 9

The Widow of Bath is a crime thriller novel by the Scottish author Margot Bennett, published in 1952.


Hugh Everton, who is struggling to readjust to normal life after serving several months in prison, re-encounters his ex-lover, the vivacious Lucy, who is married to the staid Judge Bath. Against his better judgement, Hugh agrees to spend some time at their house, but before long, the judge is killed and his body vanishes.[1]

TV Serial

The book was adapted into a six-episode serial[2] by the BBC in 1959, which was directed by Gerard Glaister, with the screenplay written by Bennett herself. It starred John Justin as Hugh Everton, and Barbara Murray as Lucy. It no longer survives in the BBC archives.[3]


The novel is no longer in print. It was last issued in 2001.


  1. Bennett, M. The Widow of Bath, 1952, reissued 2001

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