Thomas Fitch Rowland Prize

The Thomas Fitch Rowland Prize is awarded by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). It was started in 1882, and is named for Thomas Fitch Rowland, who endowed it in 1884. [1]

An author who belongs to the ASCE can be nominated if they have published a print article in an ASCE journal in the last twelve months.

List of awardees

1883 Gustav Lindenthal for "Rebuilding the Monongahela Bridge" Smithfield Street Bridge[2]
1884 Hamilton Smith, Jr. author of "Hydraulics, The Flow Of Water Through Orifices, Over Weirs, And Through Open Conduits And Pipes"(1886) [3]
1885 A. M. Wellington
1886 Charles Conrad Schneider
1887 William Metcalf
1888 Clemens Herschel
1889 James D. Schuyler for work on "Construction of the Sweetwater Dam"[4]
1890 Octave Chanute, John Findley Wallace, and William H. Breithaupt, an engineer for railways [5]
1891 William H. Burr
1892 Samuel M. Rowe, Stillman W. Robinson (brother of Albert Alonzo Robinson), and Henry H. Quimby, all for The Red Rock Cantilever Bridge[4]
1893 William Murray Black
1894 David L. Barnes
1895 William R. Hill[4]
1896 H. St. L. Coppee, President of the American Society of Railroad Superintendents[4]
1897 Arthur L. Adams
1898 Henry C. Goldmark
1899 Richard S. Buck, designer of the Niagara Railway Arch Bridge, and the Chief Engineer for the Manhattan Bridge[6]
1900 Allen Hazen
1901 L. G. Montony Ninety-Sixth Street Power Station of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company of New York City[2]
1902 William W. Harts for "Description of Coos Bay, Oregon and Improvement of its Entrance by the Government"[2]
1903 George W. Fuller
1904 George Cecil Kenyon for "Dock Improvements at Liverpool" [2]
1905 Charles L. Harrison and Silas H. Woodard for "Lake Cheesman Dam and Reservoir" (Colorado) [2]
1906 George B. Francis and W.F. Dennis for "The Scranton Tunnel of the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Railroad" [2]
1907 James D. Schuyler for "Recent practice in Hydraulic-Fill Dam Construction" [2]
1908 Edward E. Wall for "Water Purification in St. Louis, Mo."[2]
1909 William J. Wilgus for "The Electrification of the Suburban Zone of the New York Central Railroad ..." [2]
2014 Sungjoo Hwang, Moonseo Park, Hyun-Soo Lee, SangHyun Lee, and Hyunsoo Kim, for “Dynamic Feasibility Analysis of the Housing Supply Strategies in a Recession: Korean Housing Market.” [7]


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