TraPPE force field

Graph of TraPPE force field accuracy relative to critical temperatures.

Transferable Potentials for Phase Equilibria (TraPPE) is a family of molecular mechanics force fields developed mainly by the Siepmann group at the University of Minnesota.[1] The force field is parametrized against fluid-phase equilibria data with a strong emphasis on transferability. The term transferable implies that the same force field parameters are used to describe a given interaction site in different molecules (e.g., identical parameters should be used for the methyl group in n-pentane, 1-pentene, and 1-pentanol) and that the force field is applicable to predict different properties (e.g., thermodynamic, structural, or transport) across a wide range of state points (e.g., pressure, temperature, or composition).[1]

Four major versions of the force fields exist for (mostly) organic molecules. They differ in sophistication: TraPPE-CG (coarse grain), TraPPE-UA (united-atom), TraPPE-EH (explicit-hydrogen), and TraPPE-pol (polarizable). Further, TraPPE-SM (small molecule) and TraPPE-zeo (zeolites) covers CO2, N2, O2, NH3, zeolites, etc.[1] As of 2016, parts of the TraPPE force field are implemented in several software packages including Towhee, Materials Design, Culgi, and Scinomics.

Functional form

The basic functional form of the TraPPE force field is (for the united-atom version):[2]

Some considerations regarding the model:

Parameter set

The parameters for the TraPPE force field can be obtained from the TraPPE website,[1] or the TraPPE force field papers.[3] Below is a list of the different types of molecules that are currently available.








See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 "The Transferable Potentials for Phase Equilibria Family of Force Fields". The Siepmann Group. University of Minnesota. Retrieved August 27, 2014.
  2. "Transferable Potentials for Phase Equilibria –United Atom". The Siepmann Group. University of Minnesota. July 9, 2013. Retrieved August 27, 2014.
  3. TraPPE force field papers

External links

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