Weber modular function

In mathematics, the Weber modular functions are a family of three modular functions f, f1, and f2, studied by Heinrich Martin Weber.


Let where τ is an element of the upper half-plane.

where is the Dedekind eta function. Note the quotients immediately imply that

The transformation τ  –1/τ fixes f and exchanges f1 and f2. So the 3-dimensional complex vector space with basis f, f1 and f2 is acted on by the group SL2(Z).

Relation to theta functions

Let the argument of the Jacobi theta function be the nome . Then,


which is simply a consequence of the well known identity,

Relation to j-function

The three roots of the cubic equation,

where j(τ) is the j-function are given by . Also, since,


See also


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