Winter for the Adept

Winter for the Adept
Album cover
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series 'Doctor Who'
Release no. 10
Featuring Fifth Doctor
Written by Andrew Cartmel
Directed by Gary Russell
Produced by Gary Russell
Jason Haigh-Ellery
Executive producer(s) Jacqueline Rayner
Production code 6CB
Length 1 hr 34 mins
Release date July 2000

Winter for the Adept is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.


The Fifth Doctor and Nyssa investigate the mystery of a malevolent poltergeist in a Swiss girls' finishing school.

This episode addresses issues of religious extremism.



  1. This is the first Big Finish Doctor Who audio drama to feature the actress India Fisher. She later went on to play the Eighth Doctor and later the Sixth Doctor's audio companion Charley Pollard. It also features Peter Jurasik, better known for his role as Londo Mollari in the television series Babylon 5.
  2. Discussing Nyssa's latent telepathic abilities (an abandoned story arc that was to feature during her time on the television series), she and the Doctor refer to the Xeraphin from the TV serial Time-Flight and the Permian creatures from the audio play The Land of the Dead.

External links


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