Xingying Surveyor

Xingying Surveyor (Kan-Cha Zhe or Kanchazhe, 勘察者) is the name of a family of Chinese UAVs developed by Guilin Xinying Electronic Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (Xinying, 桂林鑫鹰电子科技有限公司), some of which have since entered service with various Chinese military, paramilitary and law enforcement establishments. As of end of 2013, four models have been identified.

Surveyor I

Surveyor I is the first member of the Surveyor series UAV and it is a fixed-wing UAV in conventional layout with high-wing configuration and a pair of skids as landing gear. Propulsion is provided by a two-blade propeller driven by a tractor engine mounted in the nose, and the entire UAV is constructed of composite material. Specification:[1]

Surveyor II

Surveyor II is second member of the Surveyor series UAV, and it is a fixed-wing UAV in conventional layout with high wing configuration. Propulsion is provided by a two-blade propeller driven by a tractor engine mounted in the nose. Surveyor II is the smallest member of the Surveyour series (as of 2013). Specification:[2]

Surveyor III

Surveyor III is the third member of the Surveyor series UAV. As with Surveyor I, Surveyour III is also a fixed-wing UAV in conventional layout with high-wing configuration and a pair of skids as landing gear. Propulsion is provided by a two-blade propeller driven by a tractor engine mounted in the nose, and the entire UAV is constructed of composite material. Surveyor III is the smaller cousin of Surveyor I, but it is larger than Surveyor II. Specification:[3]

Surveyor V

Surveyor V is the development of Surveyor III with improved performance. Surveyor V is in conventional layout with high-wing configuration with tricycle landing gear, and propulsion is provided by a two-blade propeller driven by a tractor engine mounted in the nose. Unlike other members of Surveyor series UAV that s constructed of composite material, Surveyor V is constructed of wood. Specification:[4]

See also

List of unmanned aerial vehicles of the People's Republic of China


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